It’s hard to get excited about dry cleaning. So how can you convince potential customers that your approach to what they see as a commodity service is different?

Morellis Cleaners was a new chain that took dry cleaning to a new level. Forget the images of steamy, stinky roomfuls of strange machinery and employees who looked like they’d been steamed for hours. The company had attractive spaces staffed by knowledgeable employees who took time to educate customers about dry cleaning.

Scott Flood Writing and Scofield Design+Communications developed a multi-channel campaign that promoted expertise as the difference between Morellis and its competitors. The materials — ranging from ads to direct mailers to hanger capes — had a hip, edgy feel that was a perfect fit with the young professionals in the target communities.

Those prospects developed a solid first impression of Morellis as a smarter, more customer-oriented fabric care provider. Suddenly, all other dry cleaners were clearly second-class.