Embarrassing spelling errors compounded by wayward spellcheckers continue to crop up, much to my delight (and that of several correspondents).

One recent example that provoked a chuckle was the Indianapolis-area newspaper that referred to those served by a County Home as the “poor and indignant.” I suppose poverty can bring out the worst in some people. (Of course, the writer meant to say “indigent”.)

Another that drives me to distraction is people who apparently don’t know the difference between “sight,” “site” and “cite.” Each time I see “web sight” in print, I come that much closer to facing homicide charges.

Reader A.W. Krukau chimed in with a church bulletin that managed to leave the “r” out of a mention of the word “shirt,” and cited a common example that also caught “CopyBob” Sullivan’s eye: the accidental substitution of “pubic” for things “public.” As A.W. noted, “Pubic Relations just doesn’t carry the same meaning.” Another sight/cite — “Public-Privates Partnership” – might qualify as an indecent exposure. Or maybe an indignant one.