If you’re selling a high-quality product in a category that’s considered to be a commodity, how can you set yourself apart?

Plymate Image Mats provides a higher-quality product with far superior service in a market that’s saturated with – and accustomed to – low-end competitors. Their challenge is twofold: convince prospects that they need more than what they’re already buying, then sell it to them.

Recognizing the marketing value of the company’s cartoon mascot, MatMan, Scott Flood Writing and Thrive Design created a comic book in which MatMan trounces a Dirty Dozen of evildoers who threaten the cleanliness, safety, image, and health of businesses everywhere. Scenes from the book addressed different problems, customer categories and types of applications.

The approach met with immediate delight from prospects, customers and employees alike, and was extended to direct mail postcards and billboards on the company’s delivery trucks.