Marketing Wisdom

Don’t fall for the word of mouth myth

word of mouth moving along

I’ll bump into business owners at networking functions who insist they have no need to advertise or market, because their business will grow completely by “word of mouth.” At that moment, I know their businesses won’t be around for long. Sure, there are those outliers that became hugely successful just by existing. That’s not going … Read more

Advertising and marketing? They’re a lot like dieting

marketing and dieting

Ask me for a metaphor for the biggest single misconception about advertising and marketing, and I’ll point you toward the average American’s obsession with weight loss and the strategies employed in the pursuit of that goal. Every few months, a new diet appears. Suddenly, all sorts of people are binging on grapefruits, drinking 24 glasses … Read more

Seven tricks for more effective outdoor billboards

outdoor billboards need ads

Long after the last Burma-Shave sign came down, outdoor billboards continue to provide an excellent opportunity to connect with people on the go. Remembering seven simple realties of outdoor advertising can make your outdoor boards far more effective, so your investment in them provides a higher return. 1. Choose the right place. Location is one … Read more

Real creativity? You’ll find it inside the box

inside the box there's creativity

We’ve all heard it thousands of times: what we need is some out-of-the-box thinking. We could solve this problem if only we could step out of the box. Golly, J.P., that’s a really out-of-the-box idea! It seems that we can accomplish anything if we’re brave enough to step out of that bad, bad box, and … Read more

Elephant? What elephant?

elephant in the room

You’re probably familiar with the phrase “elephant in the room.” In the unlikely event you’re not, it refers to a difficult topic about which everyone is painfully aware, but that is so uncomfortable that nobody is willing to mention it publicly. It’s like the flask Aunt Sadie carries in her purse — everyone has seen … Read more

Does your graphic design consider older eyes?

graphic design older eyes

As GenXers begin to follow the Baby Boomers on their journey from milk to Metamucil, companies are making all sorts of changes to accommodate the needs of changing bodies. From lumbar supports in car seats to cushioned handles on kitchen utensils, manufacturers and service providers recognize the potential profit in catering to the comfort of … Read more

Why humor in marketing can be anything but funny

humor in advertising isn't always funny

Humans love to laugh. Whether it’s a favorite sitcom, the latest wacky movie, the joke making the rounds of the office, or the meme we’re reposting on our social, we all appreciate things that make us smile and giggle. So it’s no surprise that when we’re developing advertising and other communications materials for our businesses, … Read more