
Marketing deceit is a terrible strategy

marketing deceit

This week’s mail brought a pastel greeting-card envelope with no return address or stamp. Was it a surprise confession from a secret admirer? A warm thought from a dear friend? I rushed to slit it open. And there I found an internet provider’s latest pitch, ingeniously disguised as a greeting card. Was I amused? Touched? … Read more

Deceit is a lousy way to start business relationships

Long ago, Sir Walter Scott penned some advice today’s business leaders would be wise to remember: “Oh, what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive!” That quote came to mind after a greeting-card envelope appeared in this week’s mail. No return address, no stamp, just a colorful envelope. I slit it open … Read more

Marketing deceit is a lousy relationship-building tool

It’s been a couple centuries since Walter Scott penned “Marmion’s” well-remembered lines: “Oh, what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive!” But Sir Walter’s admonition to avoid deceit remains valid, and it’s sound advice for marketers. A greeting-card envelope appeared in this week’s mail. No return address, no stamp, just a colorful … Read more