
Elephant? What elephant?

elephant in the room

You’re probably familiar with the phrase “elephant in the room.” In the unlikely event you’re not, it refers to a difficult topic about which everyone is painfully aware, but that is so uncomfortable that nobody is willing to mention it publicly. It’s like the flask Aunt Sadie carries in her purse — everyone has seen … Read more


You’re probably familiar with the phrase “elephant in the room.” In the unlikely event you’re not, it refers to a difficult topic about which everyone is painfully aware, but that is so uncomfortable that nobody is willing to mention it publicly. It’s like the flask Aunt Sadie carries in her purse — everyone has seen it, but nobody will ever admit to that.

Companies and organizations are often vexed by their own elephants. Maybe it’s a deficiency in a product. Maybe it’s an advantage a competitor has. Maybe it’s a past mistake or a scandal that left a stain on the organization’s image.

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You didn’t see it? It’s right there. Right over there. You have to be able to see it! For criminy sakes, it’s an elephant! It’s huge! Are you telling me that I’m the only one who sees it? No, I’m the only one who’s willing to admit that it’s there.

You’ve probably heard the “elephant in the room” expression used before. Typically it comes up when the family is gathered for a special event, and everyone pretends that they don’t notice that Uncle Leonard is snockered again, or that Cousin Louise is wailing loudly in the corner. There are those nervous glances at one another, but if we all keep pretending, maybe nobody else will notice, either.

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