
Your opinion isn’t necessarily knowledge

your opinion and knowledge

Technology has been a great workplace equalizer, allowing everyone to perform tasks that once required specialized skills, and flattening organizational charts as companies reduce headcount.  But added responsibility doesn’t automatically equate knowledge or expertise. I mention that because a side effect of that change is a growing misconception that anyone capable of forming an opinion … Read more

Should your company get political?

Our society is more politically divided than it’s been for quite some time. Rational, respectful discussions have largely been replaced with angry tweets and angrier talking heads. Simple social media posts explode into angry battles in which both sides are so eager to promote their points that they don’t even read what they’re responding to. … Read more


I once worked for an advertising agency at which every logo design and brochure had to pass an incredibly difficult test. At the end of the workday, one of the partners would put the piece in his briefcase, bring it home, and show it to his wife. As a result, we produced a lot of work that looked alike, usually using the same two or three colors (which I assume also dominated their home’s décor).

You might chuckle at the idea of a high-powered advertising executive basing his decision about what was best for client needs on Mrs. Executive’s personal likes and dislikes, but are you guilty of the same approach?

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