

Our Community Bank has been serving Owen County and the surrounding area for more than a century. But in these days of megabanks and cross-county competitors, consumers may be less likely to choose a truly local bank. After all, it’s tough to for a smaller bank to catch their attention.

To reinforce the message that OCB has been an important part of the community for such a long time, and that they understand the needs of community residents better than anyone else, we developed an advertising campaign that featured local landmarks. While those landmarks may not have been tourist attractions, they were the source of community pride — such as the bulldog statue outside Patricksburg Elementary School or the giant chicken that once decorated a Spencer eatery.

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When companies decide to hold some kind of prize giveaway, whether it’s a simple drawing, some kind of contest, or an all-out sweepstakes (and yes, there are legal differences between all three), one of the first decisions is what will be given away.

Typically, the big question is whether to give a single glorious prize, or multiple smaller prizes. There’s no single answer, but a key consideration is your objective in holding the giveaway.

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In my last post, I bemoaned the out-of-town printer that misspelled “Fishers” as “Fishus” on a pizza ad. Some would suggest that mistakes like that are proof that out-of-town service providers just can’t be as accurate as local folks. But an ad I created for a Louisiana bank back in my ad agency days proves that an out-of-towner who takes a little extra time and makes some extra effort can create a convincing local message. 

The bank was opening a branch in Lafayette, a city in which they had never done business. Management didn’t want to be seen as the giant outsider coming to town, even though that’s exactly what they were.

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