Online Words

5 compelling reasons to use a professional white paper writer

professional white paper writer

Why would you need to turn to a professional white paper writer when you consider yourself to be a good writer? There are many advantages to tapping into the expertise of a professional, but I’ve found these five reasons to be particularly beneficial. 1. A professional white paper writer makes better use of your time … Read more

Are you using language customers don’t understand?

customer language confuses

Bursting with pride, the nursing home’s management team bought a half-page newspaper ad proclaiming “Deficiency-Free State Survey” in giant letters. And I’m willing to wager their message was completely lost upon the people they hoped to impress. I knew why they were proud, but that’s only because I’ve done work with the senior care industry. … Read more

Plant some evergreens for your blog

Wondering what you’ll do if you can’t come up with a decent topic for a particular day’s blog post? Prepare in advance by developing some “evergreen” posts. What do I mean by an evergreen post? It’s simply a post that provides general information, will always be appropriate for the audience, and isn’t time-sensitive. If you’re … Read more

Neglecting your website’s most important element?

call to action

Companies and organizations devote an amazing amount of time to agonizing over what their websites should look like. They review a host of different design approaches and spend hours trying to determine exactly how each page should function. Then they slap some content in place. What kind of content? “Take that stuff from our last … Read more

Improve your writing by starting in the middle

Many people regard having to write as sheer torture. Unfortunately, nearly every job or business endeavor demands a certain amount of that torture. The good news is that there’s a simple trick that can make your writing easier and more effective. That trick is starting somewhere in the middle. If that sounds odd, consider that … Read more

Contractions really aren’t painful

Boy wondering about asking questions

One of the biggest misconceptions about writing involves those handy word combinations we call contractions. You’re familiar: cannot becomes can’t, will not shortens to won’t, and so forth. When professional writers insert those contractions into their work, clients are often confused. Some doubt the competence of the writer they’ve hired or assume that the writer … Read more